Our European umbrella organization

GROW International

GROW International

Founded in 1991, GROW Group Recycling of Wood was created in response to new packaging recycling legislation in Germany and Europe.

Today, GROW is not only committed to the environmental concerns of wooden packaging, but also to its quality, reputation, hygiene and food safety.


GROW is an international organization that has developed from the cooperation of European wooden crate associations in France, Spain, Germany and Italy.

With a network of over 200 companies, GROW produces 800 million crates for fruit and vegetables and 400 million lightweight wooden packaging materials for other purposes every year, generating an annual turnover of over 500 million euros.

GROW International

Federation of wooden light weight packaging

6 rue François 1er
Paris 8ème (France)

Phone: +33 (0)
Fax:+33 (0)

Email: info(at)grow-international.eu


Federación Española de Envases de Madera y sus Componentes

Prof. Beltrán Báguena 4, 412c 46009 VALENCIA (Spain)

Phone: + 34 963 49 57 13
Fax: + 34 963 48 56 00

Email: fedemco(at)fedemco.com
Web: www.fedemco.com


Syndicat des industriels français de l'emballage léger en bois. 

6 rue François I er 75008 PARIS (France)

Phone: 0033 (0)
Fax: 0033 (0)

Email: secretariat(at)siel-grow.fr
Web: www.emballage-leger-bois.fr


Associazione Nazionale delle industrie di imballaggi di legno, pallet, sughero e servizi logistici

Foro Buonaparte 65 20121
Milano C.F. 06987590152

Phone: +39.02806041
Fax: +39.0280604392

Email: web(at)federlegnoarredo.it
Web: www.federlegnoarredo.it


Verein für umweltfreundliche Holzverpackungen e.V.

Hauptstraße 98
67133 Maxdorf - Germany

Phone: +49 6237 9295 93
Fax: +49 6237 9295 85

EMail: grow-gmbh(at)t-online.de
Web: www.grow-deuschland.de


Seit 1946 ist die Fédération Européenne des Fabricants de Palettes et Emballages en Bois (FEFPEB) - the European Federation of Manufacturers of Wooden Pallets and Wooden Packaging - has been the recognized European representative organization of national wooden packaging associations, including

  • Pallets
  • Light packaging
  • Industrial packaging

Postbus 4076
NL-5004 JB Tilburg

Phone: +31 13 59 44 802

Email: info(at)fefpeb.eu
Web: www.fefpeb.eu